Cambridge International Education (CIE)


Session on Entrepreneurship:

On 9 September 2023, KENNEDY HIGH the global school organised a highly insightful Entrepreneurship session for students of Grade 9 to A level. The session, led by Co-founder, and Director of Operations, and Founder and Managing Director of SkillRecruit, left a profound impact.

The highlight of the event was the speakers’ emphasis on one of the most invaluable lessons in entrepreneurship: embracing failures as stepping stones to success. Through engaging activities, they illustrated this principle, encouraging students to view setbacks as opportunities for growth.

The students actively and enthusiastically contributed their innovative business ideas, showcasing their potential to become tomorrow's success stories. The session also provided students with a comprehensive understanding of the skills and nuances associated with entrepreneurship.

The Entrepreneurship session at KENNEDY HIGH was a resounding success. It equipped students with crucial knowledge and inspired them to approach entrepreneurship with confidence and resilience. The event underscored the school’s commitment to nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit among its students.


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